Natural Hair and Wool Dreadlocks


Let me start by saying I love dreadlocks. What I don't love about them is how permanent they are. 

A few years back, I started researching protective styles for women of color. Some styles worked, and some styles didn't. I finally ran across an article on wool dreadlocks, instantly, I fell in love. Wool dreadlocks are so light and versatile. You can add beads and style them; however, you, please. Let's get into why wool dreads work for certain hair types and how to take care of them.

Firstly, I have semi-curly hair. For some reason, everyone thinks that all dark women of color are born with coarse, curly hair. This isn't true. Some of us are born with long, semi-curls that frizz instantly in the rain but hardly curl. This texture of soft hair can't do awesome stuff like make afros and keep neat braids. Making beautiful dreads is also a chore. This is where wool dreadlocks come in. Wool is very light when felted and easy on curly hair. It also doesn't snatch out your hair like synthetic hair does. 

There are loads of wool dreadlock tutorials on YouTube, so I won't bother posting any here, but here are the top best ways to take care of your wool dreads. Also, what wool you should use for your dreads.

1. Corriedale and Merino is the best: Yes, these two types of wool is best for your dreadlocks. Stay away from curly lock wool types. These would look great as a deadlock but will snatch out your hair.

2. Don't felt "even" length dreads: Create dreadlocks that are different in lengths and width. This will create a style similar to real dreads.

3. Delicate care is best: Clean your dreads in a laundry mesh bag on delicate in the washing machine. If you want to shrink them a bit, simply place them in the dryer on medium heat. This will also lock them in place if you didn't do a great felting job.

People of color have a variety of hair types. Not all protective styles work, but this one worked for me. I hope this article was informative and helped you consider an alternative hairstyle like wool dreadlocks.